🇩🇪 DE

Teeth Grinding

Most often it happens while sleeping: teeth rub against each other, grind and clench. Known in technical terms as bruxism, teeth grinding is a widespread phenomenon. 

Stress or mental stress often lead to grinding, but functional disorders in the jaw joint (CMD, craniomandibular dysfunction) can also promote teeth grinding.In CMD, there is a disturbed interaction between the teeth of the lower and upper jaw. This can result in an incorrect bite, causing the temporomandibular joints to move out of their natural position. This puts excessive strain and strain on the masticatory muscles. 

Resulting consequences can be dizziness, tinnitus, migraine, or neck, back and shoulder pain. Symptoms that are often not associated with the teeth at all. Pain is often only felt when the teeth are already showing severe signs of use or when jaw joint problems occur. Early therapy can prevent it: immediate help is offered, e. g. by a small, transparent protective splint, which we manufacture individually for you after extensive diagnostics. Manual therapy is often required as an accompanying treatment, the reason why we also work closely with physiotherapists.Talk to us – we will be happy to accompany you on your way to freedom from pain!

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